IDN converter tool

IDN converter

IDN Converter: Convert Text to Punycode and Punycode to Text

Effortlessly convert international domain names (IDNs) from Unicode to Punycode and vice versa with our easy-to-use IDN Converter tool.

What Is the IDN Converter Tool?

The IDN Converter tool is designed to help you convert domain names written in Unicode (including non-Latin characters) into Punycode format, and vice versa. Punycode is the ASCII-compatible encoding for internationalized domain names (IDNs) that enables the use of characters from various languages, including Arabic, Chinese, and Cyrillic, within domain names.

Why Is IDN Conversion Important?

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are crucial for supporting non-Latin characters in domain names. However, web servers and browsers typically use Punycode to handle domain names. Punycode ensures that characters outside the ASCII range can be represented in a format that is compatible with the Domain Name System (DNS). Our tool allows you to easily convert between the two formats, ensuring compatibility across different platforms.

How to Use the IDN Converter Tool

  1. Enter the domain name in Unicode (non-Latin characters) in the input field if you want to convert it to Punycode.
  2. Alternatively, if you have a Punycode domain, simply paste it in the input field to convert it back to the original text.
  3. Click the "Convert" button to see the result in the opposite format.
  4. Copy the result to use the converted domain name in Punycode or Unicode format as needed.

Key Features

  • Convert international domain names from Unicode to Punycode for DNS compatibility.
  • Convert Punycode back to readable text for easy management of domain names.
  • Support for various languages and character sets, including Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, and more.
  • Easy-to-use interface with instant results for quick conversion of domain names.

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